As we look back on 2015, we have a lot to be proud of and celebrate this year in Eta Pi! Our 4th Annual Golf Outing on September 23rd with Claude and Annie's Restaurant at River Glen Country Club in Fishers was a great success! It was a lot of fun and the ladies of Eta Pi worked really hard to make sure the event ran silky smooth. Here are some picture highlights from the event.
The golf outing was a huge success and we raised $11,455 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! A special thanks to chapter member Kelly Hansan for organizing this amazing event. We were also able to take on a couple of new philanthropic adventures this fall. We collected and sorted clothes for Agape Families for Kingdom's Kloset. Kingdom’s Kloset is an outreach program addressing the immediate clothing needs of children in foster care. Children usually leave abusive home situations on very short notice, and their possessions are often limited to what they can hold in their small arms. Agape Families collects clothing donations from area residents and businesses and organizes volunteers to put together personalized, handmade duffle bags containing a week’s worth of new or gently-used clothing and a Prayer Bear. It is a really worthy cause and we were so excited to get involved this year. We were also able to partner with HVAF of Indiana to collect much needed items for the 7th Annual Winter Warm-Up campaign for Homeless Veterans. Jenni Russ and Ashley Wallace spearheaded the campaign for Hope for Heroes and worked hard to organize and collect the items. With the help from the community we were able to collect over $2,700 worth of supplies for homeless men and women. We finished off the year with a fundraising night at Global Gifts for Easter Seals! We also had a fantastic December chapter meeting with a delicious pitch-in and fun and games. The Saran wrap ball was amazing fun! We have had a great year and we can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!
Happy New Year from Eta Pi Fishers!
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