As Indiana's newest chapter of ESA, we have certainly hit the ground running. At our chapter chartering in March, we did a lot more than start our new chapter! We installed 8 new pledges, 3 transfer members from other chapters, and reinstated 4 members who had previously been in ESA.Since then, we have been hard at work! We have been working on our bylaws and have established a bank account. We have our officer team working on social events, way-and-means fundraisers, philanthropic projects, and much more. In February (before we were chartered) some of our members participated in the ESA "hearts" St. Jude walk at Ball State University. This was the first year that the Ball State chapter had held the event. In March, we were chartered and we also attended the Spring Conference and Mystery Dinner for Camp Riley. In May, we had our first social outing! We had lunch and went shopping at the Warm Glow Candle Factory in Richmond, IN. We have also participated in Relay for Life, the Carmel Marathon for St. Jude, and Parents' Night Out at Easter Seals Crossroads. Some of members just returned from the Indiana State Convention in Nashville, IN. We all had a great time socializing and celebrating with your Indiana ESA sisters. Each year there is an Awards Luncheon, at which members from around the state are recognized for various achievements. We were not eligible for any of these awards, as our chapter was just formed. However, we did win the Spirit Award for showing the most enthusiasm at the luncheon! We wore custom shirts that say "got pi?" on the front and pie hats that one of our members made for us. We also did a choreographed Zumba dance that our Vice President coordinated. One of our members, who was in the Ball State University chapter, was honored with the Harmony Award, which goes to a member who goes above and beyond in the name of ESA. That same member was also shocked to be named Indiana ESA's Member of the Year. All in all, we are really off to a great start!
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